Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Poems by Samuel Loran and Anthea Loran

I love the library

It is Christmas at the library and now it is so very merry.
There are books about fairies and canaries.
There are books about scary, hairy monsters, and yummy, yummy berries
At the ninety year old library

I love the library By Samuel Loran, age 8

No longer just a place for books
Our library has changed its looks
A Listening Circle, and computer screens
Workshops on becoming green
Laughter yoga, and Veterans Day
Storytelling and puppet plays
Programs for seniors, programs for teens
And all the ages in between
Travel photos of different lands
Piano music and local bands
Food and customs of many races
Language spoken from many places
Caring staff welcome new faces
Now friendly conversation fills the room
No longer silent as a tomb
The hub of our city is our wonderful library
Congratulations on its 90th Anniversary

I love the library By Anthea Loran

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Library Board brings the community to the library for 90th anniversary celebration

To: All the library board members, staff and volunteers
Good Job for engaging our community.

90th anniversary event was covered in Southwest Booster (December 11, 2008, pg A14, Library celebration), Prairie Post (December 12, 2008, pg 20, Library celebrates milestone), Gift of Learning proclamation (pictures of Library staff Linda, Hilary and Tekeyla, Southwest Booster, December 11, 2008, pg. A12) and the event was listed under community events for two weeks. Shaw cable covered this report and they will be making a documentary about the library as a community hub. During the event our CAP interns registered 18 participants for one-on-one computer training sessions, 9 people would like to share their memories for the digital stories project and 12 participants registered on the spot for seniors appreciation tea. More than 85 people attended the celebration - Mayor Sandy Larson, Fire Chief Bob Rindahl, and Dean Robson (Director Parks and Recreation).

Manisha Khetarpal
City Librarian

A Poem by Margaret Lottridge

I Love The Library
By Margaret Lottridge

My favourite books are in junior section
by Erin Hunter whose name I mention
with hopes for new ones coming this year

sometimes I like to sit on the mat
with my younger sister Pat
for storytime and puppet shows

dad reads news at back tables
pages crinkle as he turns them
car repair books stacked beside him

carrying May issue of Country Living
a book CD called Monday Mourning
mom finds LP westerns for grandpa

aunt Samantha has no time to visit
she orders books on-line or by phone
and picks up them on her way home

big brother Jim doesn’t read much
but he books a computer for an hour
to chat with friends ‘n such

there’s always new things happening here
people bring stories of travels or how to hunt deer
a tea party with music for grandma and friends

a boy named Kyle gives lessons to grandma
on computers and how to teach grandpa
who comes to tai chi monday mornings

then there’s yoga on chairs for seniors
yoga on floors for baby and mom
and for me where I stand, sit or hum

A Poem by Ron Welgan

By Ron Welgan

On a day that is snowy
With a wind that is blowy
You want to stay warm and inside
But there’s nothing to do
And the TV is dull too
You are grumpy and dissatisfied

Where can you go
To a place that you know
Will be cheery and sure to provide
Good ideas and things
That will give you some zing
With nice people to act as your guide

Try the library
It’s clean, bright and airy
With so much it’s hard to decide
Should you pick out a book
Use computers to look
At the rest of the world far and wide

Take in a reading
By a writer who’s pleading
For peace, understanding and pride
Laugh ‘till you cry
When strange puppets try
To say words that make you tongue-tied

If you like crafts
You can learn to make hats
Or flowers or earrings with rocks
Taste ethnic food
Fried, baked or stewed
Meet someone who’s come from Bangkok

With so much to do
We never feel blue
When we are in our library
So stand up and cheer
All who work here
Be they staff or help voluntary

Let’s now celebrate
All that’s first-rate
On our library’s 90th year
It’s our town’s living heart
Where all can take part
Our thank-you’s are really sincere

December 19 - 90th Celebration